Be a part of the short animated film "Regular People" and help us raise $1,000 to distribute the DVD and submit the film to festivals by June 1st, 2010!
LEVEL 1: The Scientist
Pledge $10 or less (unlimited people)
Get an 8 page b+w zine with Amber Nelson's poem "Regular People" and artwork from the film
LEVEL 2: The Skydiver
$25 or more (unlimited people)
Get the zine and a copy of the DVD "Regular People"
LEVEL 3: The Trapeze Artist
$100 or more (unlimited people)
Get the zine+DVD+thanks in the credits of the film
Level 4: The Patron
$250 or more (limit 10 people)
Get the zine+DVD+thanks in the credits of the film+ t-shirt with artwork by Colleen Frakes
Level 5: The Producer
$500 or more (limit 2 people)
Get the zine+DVD+copies of the books "Blue Collar Sun" and "Cold Drill #39" from Amber Nelson+copies of the comics "Tragic Relief" and "Woman King" by Colleen Frakes + credit as an "Associate Producer" in the credits of the film
Thank you for your support!